

Hello everyone! Today I will share 2 photographs that I like very much. The truth is I'm a lousy photographer hahaha it's hard for me to take good shots and when I have a great moment I always forget to take the picture, plus I always do it with my cell phone which has low quality.

Even so, the photographs that I like the most are of natural landscapes, since they are related to one of my favorite hobbies: Trekking and they remind me of all my adventures, I also greatly admire the beauty of the mountains and the photographs allow me to see them more time.

This image is from my first trip outside the country in 2018, I went "backpacking" asking for a ride on the highway from the south of Chile, in Chiloé. We traveled 3 people for approximately 2 months and we reached Ecuador, I never thought I would get that far, I was only 18 years old and it was an experience that I will always remember. The image is of the mountains of Peru in the middle of the trip, which was where we stayed the longest, after that my cell phone died.

The second photograph is from a little over a year ago, in Torres del Paine where I did the trekking and camping around the Park, and I think it has been one of my most beautiful landscapes that I have seen, I like to remember the feeling of wind, cold and the emotion of walking so many kilometers.


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